Consumer Buying Behavior

Consumer buying behavior is very important in every organization or business. In the field of marketing, the concept of consumer behavior gains greater importance because customer satisfaction is an important era to earn more profit and generate more revenue in every business field. Consumer buying behavior is a combination of customer buying consciousness and external incentive. Consumer influence price, motivation, perceived culture, and religious orientation. Each and every consumer has his own personality and Perception which is different in any sense. Consumer purchase products also reflect personality and behavior patterns. In businesses, organizations take some important decisions to satisfy their customers. They started a marketing campaign, advertised their product, maintained a positive environment, and provided the best quality at lower and reasonable prices. Due to these factors satisfying consumer needs and desires. Customers buy their goods and services and increase our product value and demand and the organization also starts trading our product and generates higher costs and earns more income. Organizations move toward more innovation and growing rapidly in this Technological and competitive era.
Literature review:
Price is a very important factor for marketers to know when a customer wants to buy a product or service so it tells the value of the payment. A price is demonstrated by production cost and demand of the product because customers demand a good quality at lower prices. Price is a powerful indicator of quality the consumer bent on a purchase will approach the market. (Gabor & A., 1979).
Motivation is something that is formed by a state of tension by having a need that is not fulfilled. Motivation is a very important factor to fully satisfy our customer needs and demand and release the state of tension. Motivation grows the interest of customers and raises the benefit to gain a higher income and increase market share. (Hawkins).
The culture is the custom, value, idea, norm, and social behavior of an individual. Every consumer has his own perception, ideas, and thinking ability. Different perceptions of consumers need different varieties of products because it has no homogeneous culture and it behaves in different ways. Culture is an important concept to understand consumer behavior and needs to be examined.
Religion plays a significant role in culture and religious orientation. Religion can be defined as a unified system. In marketing concepts, religious orientation impacts consumer buying behavior because people have different traditions. It follows a different religious orientation, so every consumer has its own marketing need and demand (McMurry & M). Religious orientation represents a potentially significant element, the many not all, the problem solving and decision making.
Consumer buying behavior is very important for marketers if the customer satisfaction market will grow more and move toward innovation. Consumer buying behavior is heterogeneous; it will impact on different factors: price, motivation, culture, and religious orientation. Price is the factor of consumers and always a major element of consumers to make buying decisions (Usama et al, 2019).
Whereas motivation can be described as an energizing force that activates certain behaviors that in turn provide direction to their behavior. Culture and religious orientation are very important for consumers to gain customer loyalty and satisfaction because every consumer has its own perception, thinking it behaves individually so her consumer buying behavior is essentially very important for every organization or marketers if the customer satisfies the build image and gains higher profit.
Research type:
My research paper based on
- Qualitative research
- Secondary research
Information in my research paper shows that it is qualitative because it plays an important role in impact evaluation by providing information useful to understand the processes. It shows idea, fact, and figure and explains the phenomenon on the basis of own ideas and Perception. Qualitative research is very helpful for the development of hypotheses. Due to this research, I can easily observe the problem statement in my own opinion and terminology.
My research shows that it is also secondary research because my research information available from the other sources that have already been gathered, I can add more observation and information regarding consumer buying behavior, and secondly, secondary research is helpful for the collection of data very rapidly and I can easily understand.
Time horizon:
Time horizons are needed for the research designation independent of the research methodology. Consumer buying behavior based on secondary research because the secondary data are collected easily from the literature review. I can study different research papers on consumer buying behavior. It is very helpful to collect data from the various research papers and secondly it can give opportunities to complete our research paper easily and it is helpful to understand different variables and boost our knowledge. Our research helps us structuring ideas, developing new concepts.
Data collection of our research paper is longitudinal because we can collect data from the same situation or people several times, or continuously. It is long term research. My data is already existing information, but we can add new information with respect to our own perception and terminology.
Tools of Data:
Many different methods can be used for data collection and analysis. Most are based around a center arrangement of essential instruments. These include interviews, focus group discussions, and questionnaires.
We can use an ordinal scale in our research paper because it involves the ranking of the attribute depending variable (independent and dependent variable).it measures the degree of occupation of variables. This scale is helpful in market research, advertising, and customer satisfaction.
In our research paper consumer buying behavior, customer satisfaction, advertising products, and marketing research are beneficial because it helps us to satisfy consumer need and demand and secondly due to advertisement grab consumer attention and earn a higher product and focus on marketing research also. This can help to attract customers and earn a higher profit and gain more sales revenue for our business.
We can make a questionnaire for consumer loyalty and satisfaction. This questionnaire is designed for the consumer to give a ranking. It can give ranking on the basis of agree, disagree, and strongly agree on our product or not and secondly these things show that we can develop consumer satisfaction or not.
Consumer ranking is beneficial for;
- Marketing
- Expand our business
- Earn a higher sale
- Generate more income
- Higher profitability
- Customer satisfaction
- Production
So, if consumers strongly agree, these practices grow more, and our business moves toward innovation.
Sources of data:
This source provides information if the data is not currently available to the chosen evaluation. It reveals which questions still need to be addressed and from the following research which data has to be collected. The sources of the following data are included in local authorities regional and national government and organization. The qualitative data of this research shows ideas and Perception and generates our own concept and it can also classify published sources. This research is easily accessible, relatively inexpensive and it is quickly obtained.
Size of data:
It is a type of. Secondary data because it has collected through primary sources and many researchers use it for their own research. It has been made to persuade the reader and it had less objective. This research has different sources like dictionaries, websites, different research papers, textbooks, and research works. This questionnaire only reviews previously published research which is a good source of information. In this questionnaire, the collected data is all about branded clothing like what kind of branded clothing is considered what is the quality of clothes, and so on.
Sampling technique:
So I visited Imtiaz supermarket and asked a person why you prefer Imtiaz supermarket for shopping which thing attract consumer the most here as they have many options to shop, that person replies that it’s because there is no way you can find all of these things at one place and that too of good quality all the product you require are available under one roof. And they give 30% of the profit they earn to their customers to attract them. From your kitchen to your bedroom, guest room, and toilet you need is available here. Electronics, carpets, crockery, cleaning tools, fruits, vegetables, etc… Literally, anything you want is available here at a reasonable price. That is why I go to different places to shop. I prefer to shop at Imtiaz supermarket. The ambiance, service, products, pricing, and quality the serve attract consumer buying behavior.
With the widest assortment in all of the categories, Imtiaz supermarket ensures that you won’t have to go anywhere else for anything. The best part above all this is that it’s not even of average quality. The most premium quality products are made available at Imtiaz supermarket.
Imtiaz supermarket is definitely your one-stop solution and that is because no matter what you may have no matter which product may require there is only one answer and that is the road that will lead you to Imtiaz supermarket
Problem statement
As we are in a competitive and innovative environment, the market will grow continuously and move toward innovation. In this competitive environment, two main markets take place one is international, and the other is the local market. The international market has numerous facilities and they exchange their products around the globe as compared to local markets. Local markets deal with the local population; they only tackle small stores. Local markets need changes and strategies to gain consumer satisfaction. International market easily satisfies consumer behavior due to a variety of services, provide transportation system easily handle trading and foreign exchange they have innovative strategies to gain consumer satisfaction, consumer loyalty and earn a
higher profit and originate a higher income they make their strategies in accordance with consumer behavior on the contrary local market does not have transportation, trading, foreign exchange system they cannot originate a higher income and does not gain consumer loyalty because they deal only local population they cannot provide proper good and services to the consumer so that the reason they cannot gain consumer satisfaction, so the local marketer need changes and Innovative strategies to build a consumer loyalty and exchange their product around the globe and gain a profit more same as international market.
Significance of Research
Study of research consumer buying behavior is most important for marketers as they can understand the expectation of the consumers. It helps to understand what makes a consumer buy a product. It is important to assess the kind of products liked by consumers so that they can realize it to the market. Consumer buying behavior realization is the key to improving your product and successfully marketing to customers who want to do business with you. Interviews, surveys, and other customers buying research methods are some of your best friends when it comes to helping your company consistently increase its revenue year on year.

To find out the relationship between price, motivation, culture, and religious orientation on consumer buying behavior
Ha1:There is a relationship between price and consumer buying behavior
Ho1: There is no relationship between price and consumer buying behavior
Ha2: There is a relationship between motivation and consumer buying behavior
Ho2: There is no relationship between motivation and consumer buying behavior
Ha3: There is a relationship between perceived cultural importance and consumer buying behavior
Ho3: There is no relationship between perceived cultural importance and consumer buying behavior
Ha4: There is a relationship between religious orientation and consumer buying behavior
Ho4: There is no relationship between religious orientation and consumer buying behavior
Basically, consumer buying behavior is very important in every business or marketing. Consumer buying behavior is essential to satisfy if the customer does not satisfy their services or product would not generate higher income and don’t earn a larger profit so the marketer makes strategies and policies to develop a strong relationship with customers and put every possible effort to fulfill customer requirements and need. Marketers start marketing campaigns, advertise product,s and make a strong and attractive pamphlet to grab Consumer attention. Marketer main focus to satisfy customer if the customer satisfies so the company generate a higher income and sale and work effectively and efficiently