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How to Get Backlinks Without Guest Posting (15 Methods)

How to Get Backlinks Without Guest Posting (15 Methods)

How to Get Backlinks Without Guest Posting (15 Methods)

This article will help you discover how to build backlinks with no guest blogging.

You’ll find out below that you can find many ways to create backlinks, without having to write guest posts on other blogs.

In addition, once you’ve learned these strategies for digital marketing you’ll also be able to get more targeted referral traffic , in addition to SEO backlinks, which increase the authority of your domain.

This is what makes these strategies effective for any blogger and webmaster. Each strategy will help increase the key metrics to long-term success: keywords rankings and traffic to websites.

(Note Note: If the concept to guest blog is something that you aren’t familiar with make sure to read this additional guide to the meaning of guest blogging within SEO.)

How to Get Backlinks Without Guest Posting

To gain backlinks with no guest posting, you must invest 80percent of your time creating high-quality content that can be used to attract natural backlinks. The other 20% is spent on outreach methods that do not require guest posting. This approach will help you increase the number of backlinks you get without having to ask for them.

1. Post Original Research for Backlinks

The most effective method to gain backlinks without guest posts is to write your own research. This can be one of the best methods for building links to how to create high-quality backlinks in masse.

Conducting surveys, creating case studies, and analyzing the data of your industry allows you to create original content that cannot appear on different sites. This is one of the most effective methods of gaining the most backlinks without writing an article for guest posts.

Additionally, you don’t need to devote months or even years to gathering information to make this link-building strategy effective. As long as you’ve got an original piece of research that people from your field will appreciate You can then create an article that will get backlinks.

For instance, you could ask a few questions on a Facebook group and then study the responses to discover common themes. Similar strategies can be employed on Twitter by putting together an online poll. When you have enough feedback then you can create an article on your blog that summarizes your findings and your thoughts on the information.

You can also analyze information on the industry that has been released from a range of sources. It is then possible to identify gaps and differences and communicate that information to the world.

The publishing of original research is an innovative method of linking without guest blogging, which many users aren’t willing to put in the effort and effort. But, it can yield astonishing results when it comes to getting backlinks since other bloggers will most likely hyperlink to your piece since there is no other method available on the Internet that’s as good.

2. Publish Facts and Statistics

This is a great method of building backlinks with no guest blogging. It doesn’t take long to write your article since the information you require is most likely already available.

Bloggers, journalists, and journalists are always searching for information and facts they can quote and use in their content. They typically, refer back to the site that they came across them on.

Here’s how:

Select a topic that is related to your field and search for at least as many facts and figures as you can from other websites related to the subject. After that, you can combine the information you have gathered into a blog article.

In creating an exhaustive facts and figures guide such as this, you stand greater chance of ranking higher on Google over your competition for the primary keyword. For instance, if you were looking for “guest blogging statistics” and your most popular competitor has 50 statistics on their article, you should write an article that has 100 or 75 statistics so that it stands out on the search results page (SERPs).

This strategy is so effective that certain SEO Link building specialists claim that they receive hundreds to thousands of organic backlinks every month, on auto-pilot.

3. Write Weekly Roundups

Here’s a straightforward method of building backlinks by positioning your site as the most authoritative source for information about the industry which you don’t have to write.

Make a list of top blogs and websites within your field. You can then keep an eye on the content they post every week. Choose your top ones, and then include a link with a 50-100 words review of each article when you write the new blog article.

By aggregating all of the latest news and information from leading websites in your industry People will consider your site as the most reliable source to save time for highlights. This is likely to make bloggers more likely to link to your site as it’s a time-saving source.

4. Analyze Competitor Backlink Profiles

Are you curious about how your competitors are gaining backlinks, without guest posting?

All you need to do is look at your background link profiles to find out the solution.

This article about how to acquire backlinks at no cost describes how to make use of a tool to check backlinks such as Ahrefs, Semrush, or LinkMiner to collect all of the URLs linking to your competitor’s websites. Once you have the data to hand, you will search through and identify every backlink which is not guest posts, and then reach out to the same linking websites to receive a backlink at no cost.

The analysis of competitor backlink profiles like this is the fastest method of determining the backlinks that are important for growing the domain authority and page authority in the target keywords.

5. Get Wikipedia Links

Wikipedia is another source to acquire high-quality backlinks. But, you must follow a specific plan to ensure these backlinks stay. In the event that they don’t, all the effort and time you invest in it will go to waste.

You can find the complete tutorial for how to gain Wikipedia links here here, but these are the main points:

  • Create a Wikipedia Account
  • Define Your Keyword Data Set
  • Find Wikipedia Backlink Opportunities
  • Create a Resource for That Wikipedia Topic
  • Insert a Backlink On the Wikipedia Page

6. Comment On Hot Topics

Writing blog posts that discuss the most talked about topics, such as popular and current events is often the cause of numerous backlinks coming from news sites bloggers, bloggers, and other media outlets that are fast-moving.

Certain websites are built on this whole strategy to gain huge amounts of daily traffic as well as constant growth in backlinks, without posting a guest blog on any other website.

An effective way to employ this method to increase your top 10 positions in Google for your targeted keyword is to take an inventory of any recurring events and news that occur every year in your field or in your niche. This way, you’ll be able to make a piece of top-quality content in advance to be able to publish it immediately on your website when the upcoming occasion occurs.

7. Build Up Your Personal Brand

If you’re serious about establishing an effective business, you must consider creating your personal brand beyond the online profile of your company.

Research shows that people prefer to connect with the owners and employees of a business via social media more so than through the company’s accounts. This is the reason why there is been an important shift away from using a brand’s name and logo on social media accounts to becoming a part of the company.

In addition, bloggers and site owners tend to be more likely to hyperlink to blog posts when they’ve been written by someone they trust and know in contrast to the content which has the logo of the company connected to it.

Thus, you must work to establish your own brand via social media in order to create positive relationships with your business. This can result in many more backlinks obtained naturally without having to write guest blog posts for them.

8. Make Social Media Connections networks

As a follow-up to the previous suggestion on how to gain backlinks with no guest posts, it could help you make personal connections with others within your field.

These connections could result in mentions, quotes, and links appearing on the websites of other creators or blog sites. This strategy is one that is commonly employed for this SEO Chatter brand. The majority of the backlinks the site has received came directly connected and established with other SEOs via Twitter.

Making connections through social media will also boost the chances of having your content published when you’re engaging in linking development.

9. Create Your Own Guest Posts

If you’re fed up with asking for guest posts in order to create backlinks, how about making your own guest post on a site that you own?

In this post on how to build Web 2.0 backlinks, it is possible to do exactly that. In essence, you sign up for an account on a no-cost web 2.0 website and then set about building the blog until it is indexed by search engines. Once you have it, you are able to add your backlink to one of the blog posts to transfer PageRank to your site.

Remember that these kinds of hyperlinks don’t have any authority in the beginning So you’ll need to boost this SEO metric using the suggestions in the linked guide.

10. Interview Experts

Another method to gain easy backlinks is by reaching for experts within your area to interview. It can happen by way of videos, podcasts, or blog posts.

To thank them to the interviewer You can request the backlink in exchange for the opportunity to promote their brand.

11. Get Interviewed

On the other hand, you could also approach podcasters, video hosts, and bloggers to request an interview of your own. You can then ask them to add a backlink to your site in the podcast notes or blog article.

12. Quote People and Tell Them About It

Are you looking to grab the attention of the top influencers within your industry? Perhaps even a backlink?

It is a good idea to use quotes from experts in your blog posts, and then inform them about the quote. Copy a line that is on their site or locate a quote they have used elsewhere on the internet and use it in one of your posts. Send them a note to let them know that you’ve used it.

In some instances, this individual may share an image of your blog on their own site as a means of building the brand they own. Most often, this happens in a section for news and media on the website or a blog post on their own with the quote they featured.

13. Run a Promotion

When you offer prizes, cash, or things for free individuals will be eager to take the chance to win these prizes. In most cases, you’ll be able to get a significant number of backlinks from organic sources as people post information regarding these kinds of contests.

You can however boost the number of links you receive by requiring a backlink or mention for every contestant’s entry. For instance, you could request that people post a link to your registration page, your home page, or a different blog post to allow them to be entered into the contest or increase the odds of winning.

14. Sponsor an Event

There are a lot of events that take place every year, and you could be a part of one at a time to gain exposure for your brand as well as to gain backlinks, without writing even a single word in guest posts.

Contact the event organizers in your field and inquire about sponsorship opportunities. Sometimes, this requires money, and in other cases, you could simply offer discounted or free access to your products or products in exchange for a mention or hyperlink back to your site’s homepage.

15. Publish More Content

Another strategy you could employ to make your site more effective is to not worry about getting backlinks in the first place Instead, you should learn ways to get your website ranked your website without any links.

It is not necessary for every website to have guest blog backlinks to be ranked high on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing. In fact, it could be better to spend your time simply creating more content for your blog.

If you have more quality content to publish more content, the better chance that you’ll rank on the SERPs, and also get naturally-generated backlinks from fellow content creators and bloggers. Additionally, following the above tips to produce more quality content for linking will increase the chances of acquiring these kinds of natural backlinks every month.

Getting Backlinks Without Guest Posting Summary

I hope that you have found this article helpful in how to gain backlinks without guest posting.

As you’ve discovered that there are plenty of effective ways to build backlinks for your website without the need to write an article for a guest blog. If you use these strategies as well as the links to sources, you can build the domain authority and PageRank by building more organic backlinks , which do not require the publication of articles on other blogs.

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