InterSystems Software Engineer Salary
The average salary for an InterSystems software engineer is from $90,000 to $128,000 per year. Read on to learn more about the salary range and average salary by city, department, and job title. For more information on salary ranges and benefits, check out our salary guide. We will also discuss the average salary for other software engineering jobs. Read on for the latest salary information. InterSystems is an equal-opportunity employer. You don’t need to be a member of a protected class to apply.
InterSystems software engineer salary ranges from $90,000 to $128,000 per year

An InterSystems software engineer’s salary is highly competitive among high-tech companies. This job requires extensive knowledge of software development, as well as cutting-edge engineering strategies. InterSystems engineers create applications for healthcare, business, and government sectors. Their technology powers some of the world’s most critical applications. In addition to competitive salaries and benefits, InterSystems employees enjoy numerous perks. However, the salary for this position is so high that hundreds of applicants apply each year.
Salaries are subject to change, but the software development environment at InterSystems is incredibly friendly and productive. I interned here over the summer, and the experience was great. The company is well-known for its high-quality software and customer support. In general, salaries range from $90,000 to $128,000 per year, depending on experience and location. However, it’s crucial to remember that this salary is only indicative of potential earnings, and may be lower or higher than those listed above. If you’re unsure of the exact salary range for your position, contact your prospective employer.
Average salary by city

The Intersystems software engineer salary ranges considerably depending on the location of your employment. While employees in Islandia, NY earn an average yearly salary of $87,444, those in Cambridge, MA earn a median yearly salary of $83,375. For a better understanding of the salary ranges of software engineers in your area, it may help to look at the salaries of similar roles in other cities.
The salary figures listed here are based on employee self-reporting. They may also include third-party data. However, remember that minimum wage and other factors can change based on your jurisdiction. Always check with your employer for accurate salary figures. You may be surprised! But if the salary ranges are high enough for you, there are many other companies with lower salaries in your area that offer better benefits.
Average salary by department

While there is no one set salary range for a software engineer, Intersystems does offer an excellent benefits package. InterSystems offers competitive benefits including low deductible health insurance, paid time off, and an employer match for 401K contributions. InterSystems also supports employee wellness by providing medical insurance and paid time off, which is encouraged with two weeks of paid time off each year. InterSystems develops major services and products, including financial services, business applications, and government applications.
At InterSystems, salaries vary by department and organizational function. Employees in marketing, engineering, and product specialist roles earn the highest salaries at the company, while those in warehouses and plants earn the lowest wages. A typical InterSystems software engineer’s salary is $81,110 per year. For additional information, please review the InterSystems salary comparison chart. In the table below, we’ve summarized the compensation for InterSystems software engineers based on their job titles.
Average salary by job title

The salary of an InterSystems software engineer can vary greatly, depending on the location and role. For instance, employees in Islandia, NY make an average annual salary of $87,444, while employees in Cambridge, MA make an average annual salary of $83,375. The following chart shows the average salary by job title at InterSystems. However, the salary for this job is only indicative of a typical salary range.
Those interested in this position must have at least two years of experience using the InterSystems Cache and Ensemble systems. Those without relevant experience should apply for other roles. This salary range is significantly higher than the average salary of software engineering professionals in the same field. But it may be worthwhile to consider the average salary of an InterSystems software engineer. Listed below are some of the most common job titles in each job title and the average salary of these professionals.